An Introduction to Watermark Recovery from Images

Neil F. Johnson. An Introduction to Watermark Recovery from Images, SANS Intrusion Detection and Response (ID'99), Proceedings. San Diego, CA, February 9-13, 1999.
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With the proliferation of the World Wide Web, authors of digital media now have an inexpensive means to distribute their works to a growing audience. Many authors are leery of distributing their works in fear that it may be copied illegally or represented as another's work. Digital watermarks provide means of placing additional information within digital media so if copies are made, the rightful ownership may be determined. Those wishing to make illicit copies of the digital can employ a number of methods against watermarks so the embedded information cannot be detected or read. In this paper we briefly discuss a method of recovering watermarks in digital images after such attacks and introduce related current and future work in the Center for Secure Information Systems (CSIS).

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